HSdesain.com - The house with this design has a fresh look with a small size but still brings the best comfort inside. For details on some of the interiors and floor plans, check out 7 x 8 m Pleasant House Design and Plan.
Facade design
facade design of this house looks beautiful by using a dynamic
structure. The use of a gable roof can provide a neat yet attractive
touch. The small porch of this house can also be used as a cool relaxing
area when adding a few chairs.
Living room design
the house, there is a living room at the very front with some furniture
filling it. The large windows around it are able to make the living
room brighter and feel fresh.
Kitchen and dining area design
is the dining and kitchen area with a low partition wall. The kitchen
has an L-shaped kitchen set that follows the corner of the room. The
remaining space is used as a cozy dining area.
Bedroom design
small house has only one bedroom. The small size of the room will make
it possible to create a functional space by adding some furniture
without worrying about the room feeling cramped as long as it is well
Floor plan design
For a room plan with a size of 7 x 8 meters, you can see in the picture above. There is a porch, living area, dining area, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and a cool back porch.
Author : Hafidza
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : TM Studio - Small House Design