Home Interior Ideas - Beautiful Color Selection and Arrangement

HSdesain.com -- Having a beautiful home is of course an admiration and satisfaction for you as the owner. One thing that needs to be considered is the interior of the house. The arrangement, the selection of furniture, the choice of colors, the use of decorations, are also things that you must pay attention to in detail. For home interior ideas that you will like, check the following article.

Living room ideas

The living room is one of the rooms that is very important to maximize its appearance because it will give an impression when guests visit. In this living room, a room with white walls is very appropriate when combined with furniture that has a more vibrant color. You can use a color that matches the wooden floor.

Dining room ideas

While the dining room has a more formal style and uses wooden furniture that makes the room feel more beautiful. The existence of a chandelier with a gold color is one of the functional decorative accents. In this dining room, there is an open wall that is connected to the kitchen. You will find it easier to prepare meals with your family.

Small kitchen ideas

The small kitchen has a white color which makes it look stylish and also looks clean and bright. To maximize its storage, this small kitchen features creative wall shelves. Not only that, the presence of a window in this kitchen will be very helpful for a small area.

Bedroom ideas

Don't worry when you have small space. Like this bedroom, the arrangement and selection of the right furniture will make the room feel very beautiful and comfortable. The existence of a bed that is arranged in the middle will leave space on the right and left sides that can be used to place a side table.

Hidden storage ideas

For creative ideas that you can imitate, you can add hidden storage on the wall that you can use to store shoes so that they are easier to find. Provide shelves and some hooks that will create a small, functional area.

That's a review of Home Interior Ideas - Beautiful Color Selection and Arrangement. Hopefully, the information above is useful.

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Author   : Hafidza
Editor    : Munawaroh
Source   : emilywelchstyle

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